Friday, December 24, 2010

The Best Christmas Eve!

It has been too long since I've updated my blog. We've done alot since then, but I really haven't taken very many pictures since our trip to WA and NM the first of October. Even then, I had sooooo many pictures it was impossible to narrow them down to just a few.
We have been anticipating this snow for about 4-5 days now and its finally here! We have at least 4 inches and its the perfect sledding and snowball fighting kind of snow. This is definitely been the best Christmas Eve to date!

Here is our own little Winter Wonderland in our backyard.

We ventured down to the park on the 4-wheeler this morning to catch the best sledding snow. Jezebel ran alongside us and we had an amazing time with our own little family! I look forward to seeing these pictures again years down the road when the boys are grown. We had so much fun!

Levi had a pretty good time with the snow, as long as it stayed off his face. He enjoyed the sledding and the 4-wheeling.

Unlike years past, Noah was REALLY into sledding, snowballs, and snow angels. He had a blast!

Mommy and her boys!

Daddy and his boys!

Our Wonder Dog, Jezebel. She LOVES eating snow and jumping 5 feet in the air for snowballs (she really jumps that high, no joke).

Of course, the whole family...and the dog who doesn't sit still :)

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