Saturday, September 25, 2010

Birthday Events!

Friday, Sept. 24th, was Levi's 1st birthday! We started the day with birthday pancakes, then went to a park to play and go for a family walk. Afterwards, we went to the Runge (of course, one of our fave places) and then to lunch where we brought birthday cupcakes. Levi loved his cupcake so much he was aboslutely distraught when we took it away (as you can see in one of the following pictures, you'll know it when you see it). Later that day, we went to Dairy Queen and let Levi ride facing forward for the first time. He couldn't stop smiling and pointing at everything (which he does ALOT). After ice cream (yep, more sugar), he came home and opened one present, his swing. Preston plopped him in it and swung him back and forth in his arms. Levi loved it and couldn't stop squealing with excitement.

The next day, we had his party with all the family that could come. We had an awesome birthday party with lots of nice gifts, hugs, cake, ice cream, and love. He dug right into his cake (after the cupcake practice round the day before). Both boys had tons of sugar over these 48 hours, but it is an extremely rare treat (especially for Levi at this point).

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