Saturday, September 25, 2010

Year in Review...

So I decided to sit down and pull some pictures in the order they were taken over the last year. Levi has grown sooooo much! It never ceases to amaze me, even after experiencing it with Noah already (and still). I'm not a wordy or descriptive person when it comes time to blogging, I just enjoy sharing our family through pictures and short descriptions. I like it short and sweet. Here are a few descriptors of my Levi: very content, happy, smilely, loveable, content, cuddly, sweet, friendly, content (did I mention content?). Levi can light up a room with his smile. The few times he's fussy is when he is teething or when big bro loves him "too much" (aka knocks him over when huggin him, etc.). Levi does everything at his own pace, such as standing which he did for the first time a week ago (but only holding furniture). Words can't describe how much our family loves him and how much he adds to our family! Noah loves him immensly and Levi wants to be anywhere that Noah is. Enjoy a few of the pictures I pulled from this past year!

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