Thursday, April 28, 2011

Going for a Ride

The Independence Mall has a mini train you can ride around the lower level, so Aunt Tinney took both the boys on a fun ride. We would've been broke if they had these kind of attractions when I was a kid. The only mall "attractions" we had to look forward to were Santa and the Christmas train (that went in a small oval) and the Easter Bunny.

Noah was one lucky little boy and got to ride a horse at the Deanna Rose Farmstead for the second time. Later the same day he went on his first official motorcycle ride with Papa K. He held on super tight and had his own size helmet and sunglasses on too.

1 comment:

Chip said...

They had fun stuff at the mall when we were little (remember the carousel?) we just knew better than to even bother asking because we knew mom's response would have been no (just like with happy meals).