Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Another Catch Up Post

March is a very busy month for us. Mainly because of all the family birthdays that we have going on (not to mention the friends birthdays too). So here I am, trying to catch up on my lack of blogging yet again.

Earlier in March we had a decievingly warm couple of days. We were able to meet up with one of Noah's older best buddies, Easton, and one of my best buddies Christine (aka, Easton's mom). We took them for a ride on our church's newer "people mover" since they hadn't been on it yet...really exciting I know. I think if you look hard enough, you can see Levi helping Preston drive it in front of our house.

We took our friends on a ride through town and decided to stop at William Woods Univ and see their horses (its an equestrian school).

We also celebrated Noah's 4th birthday on March 13th (5 days after mine). We kept it very low key this year, I figure we will throw a big party next year with all his friends. Honestly, I didn't want to mess with it this year. We spent his birthday at home (it was on a Sunday)and took him to Bonkers (kinda like tunnel town) the next day. Here he is showing off his 2 big gifts from us, a Red Rider BB gun and his first big boy bike (complete with training wheels).

The day we went to Bonkers, March 14th, we got 8 inches of snow in Fulton, CRAZY!!!

On March 16th our new little nephew, Hunter James, was born to Anna (Preston's sister) and Jake. He is adorable! He had lots of cute blonde hair and was a little booger at less than 6 lbs. Here are pics from us visiting him the day after, on St. Patrick's day, hence the reason we're all wearing green. One of these is Preston and Levi chillin together, kinda funny.

The weekend after that Levi, Noah, and I all shared a nasty intestinal bug that of course took me the longest to get over. Levi seemed to have it the worst simply b/c his "toilet" is his diaper so whatever it didn't hold went everywhere else. We had to say "bye bye" to his "bear bear" because of this. Levi has 2 "bear bears" the one pictured is the one my mom gave me when we found out we were expecting Noah. However, Noah has never cared to snuggle with anything so it got zero use until we had Levi. Then Levi always slept with it (or the other one) and carried it around the house. It had a disasterous encounted with Levi's bug, got washed twice, and finally thrown away because there was no getting the smell out. And we all know, where there's still a smell, there's still something there.

Lastly, we have several pictures from us doing fun stuff outside. Levi is at the age where whatever he sees Noah do, he does. Monkey see, monkey do. This is a good teachable time for Noah to learn how to be a good example for his brother. Anyhow, March warmed up a little off and on and we were finally able to go outside to play.

And in April we were finally able to get out the bike and trailer. Yesterday I rode all over the place with it including the school and the park. Of course, it is Fulton, and nothing is really THAT far away. We have some decent hills near our house though and so it still gives a decent workout. Noah was very excited that I picked him up from preschool on the bike. He LOVES being pulled in this thing and I think Levi is really enjoying it too. This bike trailer is definitely one of the best investments we've made for the boys at this age! The sun was in their eyes so these pics are not the best.

Last but not least, I took the boys to Sault's Drugstore (downtown Fulton) where they have an old fashion soda fountain setup, complete with a train that rides around near the ceiling. We haven't been yet this year so we shared some ice cream and the boys loved watching the train. This was the first time Levi was old enough to even care there was a train and he kept pointing and saying "Chug Chug" as he watched it go around and around. As you can see in the ice cream picture, Levi knows that if he stands there with his mouth open long enough someone will put something in it. He's our little birdie.

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