Monday, October 12, 2009

My Little Painting Picaso

Okay, so here is one of those "Are You Kidding Me!!!!" moments every parent will have with their toddler eventually. Last Friday afternoon Preston and I had both just returned home from different places. I had Levi with me and Preston had Noah and Nick (and boy in our youth group). Preston sent Noah downstairs to play in his play room while he and Nick were getting things ready to go to Fulton's homecoming football game and while I was taking care of Levi so the boys and I could head into Columbia. After about 10-15 minutes I headed downstairs to make sure Noah was ready to go and if you look at the pictures below you will see what I found. Noah had gone into his bathroom and gotten into pink paint and tried painting his bathroom! This was partially my fault because I hadn't moved all the sample paints we used to paint his room with a month ago. He had never even tried messing with it before and all but 2 of the paint containers have big screw on lids that he can't open yet anyway. He found one of the 2 acrylic craft paints with the flip-top lid to use. He poured it into a cup I had used to mix paint with and then found 2 smaller paint brushes to paint with. He had no paint on his hands (luckily), and had proceeded to paint his face, one spot on the jacket he had been wearing, the bathroom door, counter, toilet, bath tub, baby bath tub, waste basket, door frame, sink, and a few other nooks and crannies. Luckily everything that had paint on it was a hard surface (except his jacket) and came off almost entirely. There are 1 or 2 spots that still have some residue but you wouldn't know if I didn't point it out.

Immediately one tip came to mind that my mom gave me a long time ago, "Take the picture first while they are still smiling about what they did, then spank them." This picture was one of those moments for my mom.

1 comment:

Mary said...

Yes, that was Chuckie's birthday cake you got into when I left you for a few minutes to change the laundry. Irresistible, I guess! Just like Noah. :)