Friday, October 30, 2009

Visitors from a Far Away Land

Last weekend we had some visitors from a far away land come to see us. Uncle Chip and Aunt Rachel from Albequerque, NM came just to see us and spend time with their new nephew. We had a great time! We went to the Runge Center in Jeff City (conservation center) and got Noah on the great big bullfrog, which we've never managed to do w/o him wiggin' out on us. It was also Levi's first trip there...yeah, he slept through the whole thing.

The next day we went to Herman, MO which was Octoberfest and visited a winery place since we had never been to one. We also had a good time just hanging out at the house.

Chip decided to join in w/ Noah and do the silly squinty "CHEESE" face for the picture. See any resemblence w/ these 2?

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