Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Catch Up

Okay, so I'm trying to catch up on a few of the events this last month. It might be kinda a hodgepodge of stuff. We gave Noah a buzz cut a couple weeks ago. He was in need of a haircut anyway, but the main thing is he has developed a cowlick right in the front. His hair has some wave to is and has gotten really thick so with this cowlick he always looked like he had bedhead. I tried everything to keep it down like water and a brush, hairspray, gel, mousse. It all lasted for maybe 2 hrs tops and then the wave in the front would come back. Here are some before and after pics and how different he looks with his buzz.

We also went up to celebrate Aunt Tinny's (Kristin's) 30th Birthday. We went to Dave and Buster's, the T-Rex restaurant, and Union Station. Union Station has a free train exhibit and Noah is all about "boy" stuff like trains, trucks, planes, cars, etc. We also went and ate at a place called Fritz's nearby that has trains all over. It actually has trains bring your food to the table.

Here is the table at Fritz's. I wasn't thinking and didn't get any pictures of the train above our heads that brings the food. There was a train that ran through the glassed in wall next to the table though (just not in my pictures of course).

Last week Preston and I took Noah to our local fire station since we know one of the head haunchos over there. We thought Noah would LOVE it! Turns out he weenied out when we actually got there. I think b/c everything was so big compared to him even the firemen were big guys. I didn't get but maybe one picture of him smiling, and I had to make him sit on the front of the fire truck for a picture. Once we left he couldn't stop talking about it though. He would go on and on about how the fireman gave him purple and yellow candy, pencils, coloring books, and a junior firefighter badge.

Noah also got to go to his first racecar event. Preston's family came up to Fulton and treated us to a Callaway Raceway race. I didn't bring anything in the raceway with me so I didn't have my camera. I was kicking myself for not remembering to grab it. Preston went out and bought Noah is own earmuffs b/c the races are pretty loud. He absolutely loved it. Noah's favorite was the pink race car, of course. What can I say, my son loves pink. Regrettably no pictures from that event.

Lastly is a short video of my manly son dancing around to The Sounds of Music's yodeling song. He loves it! Once he realizes I'm videoing him dancing he backs off a bit. The little boy I was babysitting that day got a kick out of it too.

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