Saturday, April 19, 2008

Playing Outside!

We have finally warmed up enough this week to play outside! We had a couple days of rain, but it looks like we are in the clear for another week as of now. Noah has always loved the outdoors, and now that he can walk around and "explore" I have found him at the backdoor trying to reach the door knob. Noah and Jezebel (our chocolate lab) are starting to become buddies now too. Jez enjoys slobbering him up and knocking him over with her tail. She hasn't yet figured out what it means to be "gentle". We call her the Beast in the Basement b/c she sleeps in our basement at night and when she wakes up in the morning she makes lots of whiney noises...oh yeah, and she's a big,funny galoof.

One more thing....Preston wanted me to make sure I let everyone know that he did mow the grass after these pictures were taken. Our yard hadn't been mowed yet this season so it was starting to look like a jungle. Now Noah won't trip on the grass which is why he wasn't standing in any of these pictures.

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