Saturday, April 9, 2011

New Season, New Blooms

Today we were able to get all our plants, bushes, and other landscaping/gardening essentials. Sutherlands has GREAT springtime sales each year so I always anticipate going. However, in years past the sale is usually 2-3 weeks too early for planting so my plants have to go in and outside everyday until its time to plant. This year the timing was perfect! We were able to buy and plant the very same day (and actually had the weekend free to do it too!). Two summers ago Preston built the flower beds along the front of the house, last year we filled them with dirt, this year we filled them with flowers. I was very excited! We also bought our first bushes and shrubs too.
Here is the progression of planting for those of you that might be interested (a limited audience I'm sure).

Here are the boys "helping" us. Clean up was extensive when we finished.

The planting continues...

The finished product, of course the pictures don't do it justice.

Thats 91 impatience, 45 alyssums, 8 dusty millers, 8 petunias, 6 elephant ear bulbs/stalks, 6 hostas, 4 burning bushes, 3 azalias, 2 red dragons (thats what I call them), 2 lilacs, 2 spikes, 2 hanging baskets (impatience),and a couple others of which names escape me. Not to mention we planted 3 tomato plants today and the seeds for lettuce, carrots, green beans, zucchini, spinach, cilantro, and pumpkins (as an experiment) last weekend. Between the the two of us we made 3 trips to Sutherlands and three trips to Westlakes today. Its a good thing we live close and get reward points from both places!!!

We had major weed problems inside the flower beds due to not having anything in them last year (and it was pasture dirt). So I spent last weekend weeding and prepping them so we could lay down the weed blocker fabric, plant, and mulch today. Needless to say, its been a busy and tiring day. With the warm weather I got scorched too. Preston and I are very excited about it all and have had alot of fun doing it all. The great thing is that for the first spring since moving to Fulton, Preston is not coaching baseball so he has actually been home to help get it all done. He's the BEST! Everythings puney right now but give me a couple weeks and she'll be a bloomin' big!

A HUGE THANK YOU goes out to Sue and Short Fletcher for kindly gifting us with the hostas and elephant ear starters! This wonderful couple holds a dear place to our heart and blesses us in so many ways, especially with watching our two onrey boys regularly.

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