Thursday, February 12, 2009

If you don't catch it, look closer at his shirt. Nuf Said. Due Date: September 24. We thought this might be a fun way to tell you all.


Brance said...

How exciting!


Anonymous said...

Congratulations!!!!! Jake and I are super excited for you guys. I am sure Noah will be a GREAT BIG BROTHER. (I just have one thing to ask, please please please don't take Jake and I's name that we have picked out b/c on of these days we will have a kid). Thanks Love you all,
Aunt Anna and Uncle Jake

Kami Thompson said...

Don't worry Anna we won't. Actually, we don't even know what name you had picked out anyway. It'll be a while be for we even start seriously thinking about names.

Anonymous said...

The name is Kennedy. But thanks for saying that you wont. Love ya

Anonymous said...

Omgosh Noah is sooo big!I cannot believe it! His whole cowboy thing is adorable by the way! You guys look so hapy and like things are going really well I'm so happy for your family. :)