Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Our Little BookWorm

Just in case you didn't know, Noah LOVES books!! His favorite books right now are his Elmo flip-flap books and his Thanking God for You book (which is one of MY favorites). Any book that allows him to turn the pages himself thrills him so we only keep carboard and soft books around for him to read himself. We have had to mend a few paper-page books already due to his enthusiasm to read. Books are one of the only things next to Elmo's World/Sesame Street that will get him to be still and quiet. We love to read! He also loves American Idol and music in general He likes to Bop his head and clap his hands to the music.

1 comment:

Brance said...

He's adorable! I'm glad he has such an interest in books, maybe he'll keep it all his life.