Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Sleepy Ride

Today Noah and I set out to go on a bike ride. I put him in the bike trailer with a book, his Rhinomonkey (for those that remember the Wuzzles), and his SnakTrap of cheerios. We had a great time! I have an 8 mile loop and a 10 mile loop marked out here at the Lake and we were going to try to do the 8 mile loop. Noah hasn't gone on that long of a bike ride yet. 3-4 miles is the farthest we've taken him. We turned around at the half way mark and within 2 minutes he had already conked out in the trailer. He slept the whole way back without waking up which surprised me. Whenever I have to stand to peddle uphill it tends to make his head bob around a little and I thought that would've kept him up for sure...but I guess not.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Playing Outside!

We have finally warmed up enough this week to play outside! We had a couple days of rain, but it looks like we are in the clear for another week as of now. Noah has always loved the outdoors, and now that he can walk around and "explore" I have found him at the backdoor trying to reach the door knob. Noah and Jezebel (our chocolate lab) are starting to become buddies now too. Jez enjoys slobbering him up and knocking him over with her tail. She hasn't yet figured out what it means to be "gentle". We call her the Beast in the Basement b/c she sleeps in our basement at night and when she wakes up in the morning she makes lots of whiney noises...oh yeah, and she's a big,funny galoof.

One more thing....Preston wanted me to make sure I let everyone know that he did mow the grass after these pictures were taken. Our yard hadn't been mowed yet this season so it was starting to look like a jungle. Now Noah won't trip on the grass which is why he wasn't standing in any of these pictures.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Our Little BookWorm

Just in case you didn't know, Noah LOVES books!! His favorite books right now are his Elmo flip-flap books and his Thanking God for You book (which is one of MY favorites). Any book that allows him to turn the pages himself thrills him so we only keep carboard and soft books around for him to read himself. We have had to mend a few paper-page books already due to his enthusiasm to read. Books are one of the only things next to Elmo's World/Sesame Street that will get him to be still and quiet. We love to read! He also loves American Idol and music in general He likes to Bop his head and clap his hands to the music.

Little Swimmer

The Last Few Weeks

I finally have gotten around to uploading my more recent pictures. They start back at Easter in his adorable little Easter Outfit and go up to this past weekend. We were out of town this past weekend and our hotel had a pool so Noah made his first big pool splash in his Little Cabin Cruiser. He LOVED the pool!! Then there is a picture after pool time when he was lounging around in his towel.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008


Now that Noah is up and running all over the place he is constantly bumping his head on stuff. Whether he's standing up or falling down he always whacks his head on something. He gets a new mark on his head at least twice a day. Noah is a tough boy though and takes it like a man....well, maybe not quite, he always comes to mommy for hugs and kisses then. Noah can now show people where his belly button is and loves to find different ways and objects to play peek-a-boo. His favorite room is the bathroom where he can try to wash his hands and toys in the toilet and throw things into the bathtub and make things "SPLASH" in the water. He is getting good hand washing lessons too!