Wednesday, April 28, 2010

A Day Together

Last week we were able to catch up with Dawn and Aaron and spend the day with them. We went to the zoo, until it started raining, then ventured on to the Science Museum. Then we got to see them again briefly for lunch this week as they began their travel back to Washington. They played at the park shortly and we were able to snap a few shots of mom and dad with all 3 grandsons.

This was the first outting of the season on the bike! Levi's very first trip in the bike trailer. He isn't exactly big enough for it, but he had a blast on our short little ride. Everytime I looked back he and Noah were laughing and smiling at each other. It was priceless!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Easter Egg Hunting

Here are a few pictures of Noah looking for Easter Eggs. The Easter Bunny didn't come to our house until naptime Sunday afternoon, so he woke up from nap and desparately wanted to wear his new Toy Story t-shirt and shorts that are way huge on him. Anyhow, this was the 4th egg hunt he had done this year and the only one I have pictures from. He had one at Mimi and Papa K.'s house a week earlier, one at a family friends house, one at Mimi and Papa T.'s church, and then one at our house. Boy was the Easter Bunny busy keeping up with Noah this year. He got as much, or maybe more, candy for Easter as he did for Halloween!

Sunday, April 4, 2010


Of course, here are our Easter pictures. Noah loves to get all gussied up, so he was having a great time showing off for the camera. All of my guys were quite the lookers today! And yes, I picked out all of their outfits, even my hubby's.

All my Boys

Here are some random pictures from the past week or so of all my boys, including Preston :) Oh yeah, and one of the only other female in the house, our dog Jezebel.