Sunday, January 31, 2010

Does it Fit?

Okay, so Tiana (my cuz) put a picture and story on her blog the other night about Clara finding and wearing an outfit from when she was a baby and actually fitting into it still. Well, Noah did a similar thing today so I thought I would post his experience too. This morning I laid out both of the boy's church clothes, told Noah to start getting dressed, then left the room of just one minute. When I cam back in Noah had put on his underpants, pants, and a sweater vest. However, the sweater vest was Levi's 3-6 month size vest. I could't believe he was able to get his head through it b/c they are usually pretty tight! It was on backwards and a bit too short (as you can see). He wanted to wear it instead. I just laughed and said "Too Bad!"


Kristin said...

HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! I LOVE it! This is hilarious. Noah's wearing a "middrift" shirt. :)
Guess it was "stretched" for Levi, so he probably had no problems.

Mary said...

Looks like he's ready to sing a rendition of "Pants on the Ground." He's always been our "skinny boy!"

Chris and Tiana said...

Those crazy kids! How do those clothes still fit them?? I think you should have let him wear it to church just to see what people would say :) We all know my daughter has ended up in public wearing crazy outfits because I let her pick out her own clothes!

Kami Thompson said...

There is no way Preston would let him wear that to church! I'm okay w/ some things...but this was a little too much for us to consider letting him go out of the house in.