Saturday, December 26, 2009

Merry Christmas

Our family has had a wonderful Christmas holiday! We were able to have Preston's family over a week earlier for a fish fry Christmas party. The boys got tons of clothes and toys. Then we spent several days at my family's home over Christmas where we got to spend time with my brother, Chip, and his wife, Rachel, from Albequerque. Also, we got see a bunch of my cousins that were around and we see very rarely anymore since we're all spread all over the continent. I'm on the young end of the cousins, so they all have family stuff to keep up with too. It's fun to sit back and think about all the get togethers we used to have every year with all my cousins growing up. We would be running amuck around Grandma Kitley's house driving all the adults nuts and fighting over who gets to play pool, who's "it" in hide and seek, and tattling on who was getting into trouble (usually my brother Chip). I miss those partys, but its fun growing up and seeing all of us starting families of our own and being on the parental end of it! It definitely is a different perspective.

The boys got matching Christmas jammies from Mimi and Papa, Noah thought that was great and was trying to snuggle with his brother.

Noah like his new WALL-E underpants and had to strip down and put them on right away. He also likes his new harmonica and all the hot wheel cars and tracks he got. There wasn't anything he didn't get excited about. Of course, after all the presents were opened, he was still asking for more.

We also had Preston read the story of Jesus' birth from Noah story Bible. Noah always enjoys reading out of his little Bible.

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