Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Breaking out the Pool

It was getting so warm and that good ole Missouri mugginess was kicking in last week so Noah and I decided to break out his shark pool. He was so excited that as soon as I had it aired up and filled up he hopped right in when I went to turn the water off. I figured, oh well he's already wet so he played in his clothes. I was surprised because the water was freezing and last summer he wouldn't do anything but let his feet touch the water when it was that cold.

After about 20 minutes we went inside to change into dry clothes so we could run some errands. I stripped him down and walked to his bathroom to hangup his wet clothes, and when I turned around he was gone! He runs so fast now, especially now that I'm slowing down again. He got into the basement (his rooms on the lower level too) and through the outside basement door. When I made it outside he was standing there stark naked in his pool having a ball!


Mary said...

Well, at least he's consistent! Day or night or naptime, he hates clothes!

Kristin said...

I love the fact that he's "covering" himself. :)
Looks like you had a fun trip - you even got to watch the Royals play!