Sunday, November 23, 2008


Noah learned how to climb into his highchair all by himself. A little scary!

House Guests

We haven't had too many visitors (other than parents) since we moved into our new house, but last week we did. Last week our sister-in-law, Dawn, and adorable nephew, Aaron, came all the way from Yelm, WA to see us. They stayed a couple days with us since we weren't going to see them over the holidays like the rest of our family. We had so much fun playing with Aaron and seeing our big he had gotten and had a great time hanging out with Dawn. We mostly just hung out at our house and relaxed (since I babysit another little guy). It was great to see them. When they left Noah started crying and saying "Baby...Baby...Baby". He didn't want them to go, and I don't blame him, neither did we.


Some of you may not know that I have started babysitting another little boy. His name is Tristan and he is 2 months old. He is a very relaxed little guy and very sweet. Noah is the one that keeps me running ragged. He has learned that he can get away with certain things more simply b/c I can't chase him when I'm holding a sleeping baby. One day I got a call from another mom who needed me to watch her 4 mos old little boy b/c her regular babysitter could'nt. This goes to show you how crazy I was b/c I told her I would for the day. So I had Noah and to infants. Noah is extremely sweet to babies (BABY is his new favorite word too). I took a picture of all 3 of the boys that day to prove that I could do it. Those of you that have twins+, hats off to you! (Looking at the picture, Tristan is the one in the middle and Aidan is the one on the right)


Okay, so I know its Thanksgiving already, but this is about Halloween. This was probably the best Halloween I've had in I don't know how long! Noah was old enough to dress up and actually Trick or Treat. He LOVES his Superman outfit, so we went the whole way and sprayed his hair black too. We wanted that true Clark Kent/Superman look. Noah thought it was great! Fulton had a Trick or Treating "parade" where kids thru 5th grade could trick or treat at all the downtown businesses. It was really fun for about the 1st half of it which took us 2.5 hours to do before we gave up (the line through town is extremely long). Then we went to the local newspaper where they took pictures of all the kids dressed up and posted them in the paper each day for a span of 2-3 weeks. Then we went trick or treating on our street and the next street over. Lastly, we went up to our church for "Trunk or Treat". It was busy, but fun. Noah slept well that night!