Sunday, March 14, 2010

Noah's 3rd Birthday

The Cars cake Noah wanted me to make.

Chuckie Cheese Celebration

Party with all the grandparents, Aunt Tinney (Kristin), Aunt Lauren, Aunt Anna, and Uncle Jake. This party was at our house a week before his actual birthday so they could all make it.

Noah is ready to go turkey hunting with Papa K this spring in the new camo he gave Noah for his birthday.

Noah's birthday day with just our own little family. We went to a supersized playplace in Columbia. It was a very special day and we had a blast climbing through everything ourselves. I love places that let adults have the same (or similar) fun as when we were kids. For me, we had Discovery Zone.

He was having a great time with his gifts from us. He loves his viewfinder and kept pointing out in space at the things he was seeing through it. It was funny. He also got a hotwheels garage that took me 1 1/2 hours to put together and put on the stickers on it. And a helmet to wear with his tricycle and big wheel.

Yes, Noah chose to have pink cupcakes for his birthday (since we had the cake a week early). He is VERY secure in his masculinity :)

Best Buddies

I don't think Noah could love his little brother more. I'm gonna save these pictures in case they turn on each other later in life!

ABC's Noah Style

Noah knows his ABC's. However, when he sings the song he usually goes A-B-C-D-O-M-G-Q-R-S-T-U-V-W-X-Y-Z. He skips some of the letters and then doesn't want me to help him sing it the right way. Anyway, this is how I caught him singing it one day, with his tongue sticking out. He thought it was hilarious, so I captured it for him.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Levi Talking

The activity center gets Levi talking even more at times. One of these clips is him trying to tell me he wants his pacifier. The other clip is him squealing out of excitement (mostly). We love listening to our 5 month old talk.

Just Levi

Noah has had plenty of time in the limelight, so this post is just pictures of Levi. We finally pulled out his activity station, which I've been meaning to do, but we had to make more room in our living room for it. He loves it, and just like it was with Noah, its the pooping machine. I can always count on it to clear some room in his tummy for more food.

Funny Commercial

Okay, so I know this is a weird thing to post to my blog. I can't help it though, I love these commercials. This is my favorite Ally Bank commercial because I love the little chubby boy and the expression on his face at the end. It makes me laugh everytime. Chubby little boys are so cute and funny.