Sunday, January 31, 2010

Does it Fit?

Okay, so Tiana (my cuz) put a picture and story on her blog the other night about Clara finding and wearing an outfit from when she was a baby and actually fitting into it still. Well, Noah did a similar thing today so I thought I would post his experience too. This morning I laid out both of the boy's church clothes, told Noah to start getting dressed, then left the room of just one minute. When I cam back in Noah had put on his underpants, pants, and a sweater vest. However, the sweater vest was Levi's 3-6 month size vest. I could't believe he was able to get his head through it b/c they are usually pretty tight! It was on backwards and a bit too short (as you can see). He wanted to wear it instead. I just laughed and said "Too Bad!"

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Levi's Look-A-Like

Noah pulled out his cabbage patch doll to play with and ended up sharing it with Levi. Levi was quite entertained by it to say the least! He was acting like it was his best friend. He kept pulling it in close to him, kissin' it, and talking to it which was quite entertaining to us. Of course, when I went to take video he stopped so I'll try to get that again later this week.

Daddy at Work

We went to church this week to see daddy "at work". He's had a crazy couple of weeks w/ the pastor out from knee replacement surgery. He's been doing his work plus the pastor's work. We went to give him a break and a smile. Noah and Preston were saying "PICKLES" which is one of Noah's fave things to say for the camera now, while Levi just looked on.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Ice Skating Fool!

We took Noah ice skating for the first time today (it was actually a youth event and we went along). We weren't really sure how he'd like it. But he actually did very very well. I thought he might get a little wigged out or not be able to walk in the skates easily. He was a pro. He pretty much wanted to hold on to the wall or our hands the whole time, but can you blame him? I was very proud of him! My dad actually popped in last minute to see us and was able to come. Despite a hip replacement, he skated too(probably against the advice of his doctor). Noah said he definitely wants to go again. We all had fun!

And, of course, you have to have video! This was so much fun!!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Jabber Box

Levi is becoming more vocal, in a good way. This morning he just sat on the couch and talked to me for at least 10 minutes (proabably more) just like in this clip. Yes, this might be boring to some, but grandparents might enjoy it:)

Spaghetti Night

We had spaghetti night this week and Noah decided to help me grate cheese.

Levi sat at the table with us for the first time (well, in his own seat).

Noah was showing off his "man" muscles. Notice how he decided to wear his bib. Crazy kid!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Chubby Cheeks

Once again, here is our adorable little snugglybear. Levi loves to have something to wrap his arms around.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

A couple of Pitures

Nothing too exciting for this post except a couple of pictures to add. Noah got to go 4-wheel riding with Papa K. while we were up there for Christmas and had a ton of snow. He thought that was pretty stinkin' exciting!

Also, Levi is getting better and better at holding his head up. I put him in our Bumbo seat this week and he sat in it for about 5 minutes before he got tired and played with a toy in it too! He has no clothes on b/c he had just spit up all over them right before I put him in it. He still quite a chunk so rolling around still isn't on his radar yet, but we're working on it!