Thursday, September 24, 2009

Levi Tobias Thompson is Here!

Well, here he is. We welcomed Levi Tobias into our family on September 24, 2009 at 12:30 this afternoon. Everything went as smoothly as could be expected. He and I are both doing great. He weighed 8.12 lbs (our big boy) and 20 inches long. Noah absolutely loves him and just wants to sit with him in his lap and give Levi smoochies. Noah is going to be a great big brother. He can't keep from smiling when Levi is around.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Getting Ready for #2

The last 2 weeks I have been on hypermode trying to get ready for boy #2. It's amazing how much of a different mind set you have when you already have one kid. I was preparing months in advance for Noah. This one...well, reality didn't set in as quickly until I started going to the Dr about every week. I didn't have much to prepare anyway since we're having another boy and have practically everything we need.
I've been wanting to paint Noah's room like the Fisher-Price "rainforest" theme since we moved into the house, but its so detailed we've been putting it off. That is until 2 weeks ago. Noah and baby brother will be sharing a room eventually so I just decided, lets get 'er done. The room is about 3/4 done, the last little bit can be done whenever. The room looks done which is the important part. So here are a bunch of pictures before furniture is put in place and afterwards.