Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Trip to St. Louis

Preston, Noah, and I haven't been on a vacation just the 3 of us in I don't know how long. We decided to take a mini vacation to St. Louis for the weekend. We went to the Zoo, Hard Rock Cafe, Cardinals game (1st time in the new stadium), and the Arch. We all had a blast, and we are all tired now too! We went to the Zoo Friday morning. Noah had been wanting to see the lions all week long and when we got to the lions area they were hiding in the shady den (I don't blame them, it was hot and humid). Noah's favorite animals to see were the zebras, giraffes, and hippos. He loved every bit of the zoo! Here are some of the animals we saw.

We went on the train right before we left which wa cool because he had already gotten to ride the Metrolink the night before and now he got to ride another train. He kept telling everyone when we got back about getting to ride the train with the blue engine and red cars.

The next stop on our list was a Cardinals game that night. For those of you that don't know, Preston is a HUGE cardinals fan. This was Noah's first Cardinal's game and all of our first time at the new Busch Stadium. Noah was a squirmy handful which is all I'll say about that. He was asking to go home 45 minutes before the game started. Other than that it was quite fun! The video is us waiting to get on the Metrolink to go to the game. We had already been on it a couple of times but it was fun each time. Noah loved to talk about how we were in "St. Loueys" (I love the way he says it). He has also started giving us fishy kisses which is adorable! We had to get a picture of him eating a hot dog at the ball game (classic). We were on bleacher seats and were crowded in most of the game. The people sitting in front and around us were pretty understanding of our poking, touchy feely, kicking son.

I LOVE this next picture!

Saturday we went to the Arch down on the Riverfront. We squeazed into one of the egg shaped elevators and went to the top. I was the only one that had been up in the Arch before (this was my 3rd time). Noah thougt it was really cool to look out the window and see the barges, airplanes, helicopters, and trains. We got a couple shots of the new Stadium while we were up there too. It was fun.

Breaking out the Pool

It was getting so warm and that good ole Missouri mugginess was kicking in last week so Noah and I decided to break out his shark pool. He was so excited that as soon as I had it aired up and filled up he hopped right in when I went to turn the water off. I figured, oh well he's already wet so he played in his clothes. I was surprised because the water was freezing and last summer he wouldn't do anything but let his feet touch the water when it was that cold.

After about 20 minutes we went inside to change into dry clothes so we could run some errands. I stripped him down and walked to his bathroom to hangup his wet clothes, and when I turned around he was gone! He runs so fast now, especially now that I'm slowing down again. He got into the basement (his rooms on the lower level too) and through the outside basement door. When I made it outside he was standing there stark naked in his pool having a ball!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Noah vs. The Lemon

Okay, so just about everyone has a video of their kid eating something sour (like a lemon) and making hilarious faces. Here is mine of Noah. He's done this plenty of time before but this is the first time we managed to get it on video ourselves. The silly kid actually likes lemons despite the faces he makes. He ate the entire thing! This video cracks me up everytime I watch it. Hope you get a laugh out of it too!

Friday, May 8, 2009

It's a BOY!

We are having another boy. I've had tons of people asking me what I thought we might be having and my answer has been the same since before we had Noah. I've always had a feeling that we would just have boys. Well, 2 down and we'll see what happens down the road. We are happy, baby looks good and healthy. Noah's finally gonna have some competition.

Monday, May 4, 2009

4 Generations

Noah has had several haircuts already to this point (by mom). However, this go around he got to go to Norm's Barber Shop in Jeff City. Norm has been around for decades cutting hair in Jeff City. In fact, Preston, his dad, and his grandpa (Noah's great-grandpa) all got their hair cut by Norm. This was a milestone for the family since Norm has officially cut hair for 4 generations. And yes, Noah came out with both ears still attached (haha). For those of you who haven't met Preston's family, I'm sure you can tell which one his dad is. No resemblance at all ;)