Sunday, April 26, 2009

Turning into Mr. Little Man

Noah has been going through some big boy changes to his routine. He just got brand new bunk beds, and yes, if you look at the pictures he is wearing big boy underpants! He is by no means potty trained...just potty training. He has been in underpants for 3 full days now except at nap/bedtime. We tried the whole pullup thing but he still new he could go in his pullups and it was no big deal. I got tired of struggling with that so we just went straight to big boy underpants. Considering he just turned 2, he is doing amazingly well. As long as I make sure he tries to use the potty every 1 1/2 - 2 hours he will use the potty w/o any accidents. So far so good on that note...hopefully by September when the next little one is here we will be potty trained! Back to his big boy bed. Words could not describe Noah's excitement about his new bunk beds! Since the beds have been put together he has been sleeping in them everynight (about 1 1/2 weeks now). Nap timeis different though. He starts in the bunk bed, but the rule is if he gets out he goes to the crib. Needless to say he hasn't had a successful naptime in it yet. He has been amazing me the last 2-3 weeks with how much he is growing and how much more responsible he is getting (as responsible as a 2 year old can be anyway). This also provides him with opportunity to be into things more too. He's learning, and thats more than enough to make us proud parents!

Easter Outfit

Here is Noah in his Easter outfit. He LOVES dressing up in his "fancy pants" and "shiny shoes"!

Animals at the Farmstead

A couple weeks ago we went to a Farmstead/Petting Zoo place that we've been to before so here are some of the animals we got to see and feed. He also got to ride a little tractor and feed fish and pet a whole lot of other animals not pictured.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Easter Egg Hunt

We went to my parents for 2 days this weekend just to visit and my mom hid easter eggs for Noah. He got the hang of looking for easter eggs early for when the Easter Bunny comes to our house on Sunday. He had M&Ms inside each (most of which have to come home with us). He had so much fun that we hid them again. This video is the first time he looked for them. We had to give him hints and directions, otherwise he got bored. This video is kinda long so feel free to stop it when you get bored.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Elmo Hat

Noah has an Elmo easter basket that he decided makes a really fun hat. He kept saying "Elmo bunny hat, Elmo bunny hat".

Sleeping in the Car

We were running errands last weekend and I turned around and found Noah conked out in this weird position. He was leaning all the way forward (as far as he could go) and holding onto his shoes. After the picture, we gently pushed him back into a more comfortable looking position.

Baby Duckies and Chickies

We went to our local farm supply store to buy Noah some rubber boots so that he could play in the mud. He was very excited about getting boots, but he was more excited when we went inside and found out they had baby duckies and chickies. We went over to the bins, pulled a few out, and held them. He was kinda nervous at first, but then didn't want to leave. He wanted a baby duckie to take home to play with Jezebel (our duck hunting chocolate lab). Preston already has Noah trained to say "Shoot duckies".