Sunday, March 29, 2009

Snuggle Bear

This last week we have been getting home late (past Noah's bedtime anyway) for various reason and so its been hard fitting in his bathnight before bed. So yesterday we decided to just let him get up and take a shower in the morning before we went out and about. He LOVES mommy's extra large towel that he got to dry off with. In fact he liked it so much that he didn't want to put his clothes on for the day, he just wanted to sit snuggled up in the towel and watch Saturday morning cartoon's.

Nap Time Fun

During the same visit to KC (see post below) Noah took a nap as he usually does in the afternoon. When we are at Mimi's and Papa's house he doesn't fall asleep as quickly b/c of all the excitement. Well, this particular nap time after over an hour of not sleeping once he layed down, he finally fell asleep. When he woke up, this is the mess he woke up with. Apparently he can reach under their crib now. There was a box of greeting cards and a box of 100 crayola crayons. He managed to pull both into bed and color away on the cards and the crib sheets. As far as I could tell, the walls and the crib were still unmarked. The next day, he had an array of itty bitty tiny rainbow colors in his diaper. OH NOAH!

Kissin Cousins

Last weekend Noah and I were able to go to KC to see Dawn and cousin Aaron for the special occasion of a Bridal shower for our very soon to be Aunt Rachel. We had a great time seeing everybody. Due to various circumstances we have been blessed to see Dawn and Aaron more often than usual within the last 6 months or so. We try never to miss seeing them when they are in town! Anyway, I have a really hard time getting good pictures of Noah anymore because he is constantly moving, turning his head, or just not smiling at the time that I click my little camera button. Needless to say its a big event if I can get a good one of him smiling AND looking at the camera. Well here is a picture of him and Aaron BOTH smiling and looking at the camera. A true miracle!

The two cutest boys ever!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Big Boy Boo Boos

A couple weeks ago we went to a conservation center that has all kinds of fun kids stuff and walking trails. Noah had lots of fun in the kids area, so afterwards we hiked out onto one of the trails. Noah started off in the stroller, but we decided he needed to run off some energy so we pulled him out. He likes to say "Ready, set, go!" and then take off running so we let him. Preston and I could both play out in our heads exactly what was going to take place at any moment...and sure enough. He got to running so fast that his legs couldn't keep up with his feet and.....SPLAT! He got his first Big Boy Boo Boos on both knees. He has fallen plenty of times before and gotten little boo boos here and there, but these were the biggest ones yet from him playing like a big boy.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


So Noah just celebrated his 2nd birthday. He had several little birthday parties over the course of a week. First we went to Chuckie Cheese w/ Aunt Tinny (Kristin). He didn't really know what to think of Chuckie Cheese himself, but he did pray for him that night. He had fun putting stinky cheese on all of our pizzas. He had his own little party with an older couple at our church that absolutely adore him and then came home to a little one with just mom, dad, and baby Tristan (who I babysit). Thats the one with the elmo cupcake. Then we had one more the day after his actual birthday with grandma and grandpa Thompson along with Aunt Toot, Aunt Anna, and Uncle Jake. Thats when we had the real cake and ice cream.

A quick side note, Noah decided 2 1/2 weeks ago to try to start using the potty. So he has his own little Elmo potty seat. He'd been on it probably 30 times before he did a little tinkle, and hasn't done again yet (which was yesterday).