Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Fall is in the Air

Fall is in the air and we are loving it! Our air condition is off, pumpkins are out, and this is a great time to get outside and enjoy the weather! Noah got to spend a few days with Grandma and "Papa" Kitley.

When he got home he came with a superman outfit. He really liked it, so I guess Superman it is for Halloween! I'll try to get those posted soon!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

First Haircut

Well Noah had his first haircut last night being just a week shy of 18 mos old. The funny thing was that it wasn't planned. We have been getting multiple complaints from family that he looks like he is growing a mullet (however you spell it).
But it was so hard b/c his curls in the back were adorable!! Anyway, last night I was giving Preston a haircut like I always do every couple months outside on our deck while Noah was playing with Jezebel. We both just looked at him and decided we might as well give him a trim.
Well....a trim turned into a haircut. Preston held him on his lap and fed him raisins and cheerios just to get him to sit. He didn't mind getting it cut though. My son is a huge wiggle worm so its definitely not a perfect haircut. Plus it was the first time I'd cut anyone else's hair besides Preston's and I did it with scissors intead of the electric trimmers.
There are a few jagged edges but really it didn't turn out too bad. So I hope you enjoy the pictures!!

Visit with Friends

Over labor day weekend we had Richie, Becky, and their 6 mos old little cutie Maribel come visit us. We had a great time visiting and catching up with them. We were very excited to have friends come visit us in our new home for the very first time! I hope more of you out there don't hesitate to stop by Fulton if you're on your way to St. Louis or something. After all, our house is only about 15 minute south of I-70. Anyway, Here are some of the pictures of Noah and their little brown-eyed beauty Mairbel. She loved having Noah entertain her and Noah loved hugging on her as well. They were too cute together!!