Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Swimming Lessons

Noah started swim lessons last week. These pictures are from tonights lessons. He is taking swim lessons where I took and taught lessons growing up. He loves splashing around but he doesn't like getting his head under, so we are slowly working on it. We have good fun splashing around just the same! Everyone asks me what they work on at this age. Honestly, it is mostly just getting them comfortable in the water. The age for this class is 6mos-3yrs, so there is a big age difference. If anyone is thinking about doing it for their little ones I definitely recommend doing it!! The earlier the better. I'm seeing with Noah that now he won't close his mouth to go under the water and he is very leery about getting his head wet. He is definitely more timid now than he would've been at 6-9 mos (which was fall/winter for us so too cold to swim). A trick they teach (I've heard this one before) to get babies to hold their breath under water is to blow in their face which causes them to suck in, as soon as they suck in you can put them under. However, that typically only happens 9mos and younger, so he's a little to old and won't do that anymore. He is adorable in his Joe Cool sunglasses though!!

Daddy Day!

Sunday was the first Father's Day we got to spend with Preston. Last year Preston was out of town for a mission trip while Noah and I went to Montana for my cousin's wedding. Since Preston is already in Fulton, MO we went to be with him there. For those that don't know, he has started his new position there and as soon as we get a house lined up Noah and I will join him. Anyway, Preston got to preach on Sunday and he did an awesome job, we are both very proud of him!! We had lunch with a church member which was very yummy. We just hung out and relaxed during the afternoon and then went out for a nice dinner at Olive Garden. Unfortunately we didn't get any pictures, but it was a great weekend! We Love You Daddy!

Busy Weekend!

Last week we had some family come in town that we hardly see much. It was great getting to visit with them. My cousins Kimberly and Tiana came and brought their kiddos. I had been looking forward to seeing what Noah would do with all the other kids since he doesn't get to play with others kids as much. Clara Beth is the one in this picture with him along with her mom Tiana. The traveling was very tiring for her so understandibly they didn't play much. She's gotten so big since we saw her last.