Well Noah had his first haircut last night being just a week shy of 18 mos old. The funny thing was that it wasn't planned. We have been getting multiple complaints from family that he looks like he is growing a mullet (however you spell it).
But it was so hard b/c his curls in the back were adorable!! Anyway, last night I was giving Preston a haircut like I always do every couple months outside on our deck while Noah was playing with Jezebel. We both just looked at him and decided we might as well give him a trim.
Well....a trim turned into a haircut. Preston held him on his lap and fed him raisins and cheerios just to get him to sit. He didn't mind getting it cut though. My son is a huge wiggle worm so its definitely not a perfect haircut. Plus it was the first time I'd cut anyone else's hair besides Preston's and I did it with scissors intead of the electric trimmers.
There are a few jagged edges but really it didn't turn out too bad. So I hope you enjoy the pictures!!