Sunday, November 23, 2008


Noah learned how to climb into his highchair all by himself. A little scary!

House Guests

We haven't had too many visitors (other than parents) since we moved into our new house, but last week we did. Last week our sister-in-law, Dawn, and adorable nephew, Aaron, came all the way from Yelm, WA to see us. They stayed a couple days with us since we weren't going to see them over the holidays like the rest of our family. We had so much fun playing with Aaron and seeing our big he had gotten and had a great time hanging out with Dawn. We mostly just hung out at our house and relaxed (since I babysit another little guy). It was great to see them. When they left Noah started crying and saying "Baby...Baby...Baby". He didn't want them to go, and I don't blame him, neither did we.


Some of you may not know that I have started babysitting another little boy. His name is Tristan and he is 2 months old. He is a very relaxed little guy and very sweet. Noah is the one that keeps me running ragged. He has learned that he can get away with certain things more simply b/c I can't chase him when I'm holding a sleeping baby. One day I got a call from another mom who needed me to watch her 4 mos old little boy b/c her regular babysitter could'nt. This goes to show you how crazy I was b/c I told her I would for the day. So I had Noah and to infants. Noah is extremely sweet to babies (BABY is his new favorite word too). I took a picture of all 3 of the boys that day to prove that I could do it. Those of you that have twins+, hats off to you! (Looking at the picture, Tristan is the one in the middle and Aidan is the one on the right)


Okay, so I know its Thanksgiving already, but this is about Halloween. This was probably the best Halloween I've had in I don't know how long! Noah was old enough to dress up and actually Trick or Treat. He LOVES his Superman outfit, so we went the whole way and sprayed his hair black too. We wanted that true Clark Kent/Superman look. Noah thought it was great! Fulton had a Trick or Treating "parade" where kids thru 5th grade could trick or treat at all the downtown businesses. It was really fun for about the 1st half of it which took us 2.5 hours to do before we gave up (the line through town is extremely long). Then we went to the local newspaper where they took pictures of all the kids dressed up and posted them in the paper each day for a span of 2-3 weeks. Then we went trick or treating on our street and the next street over. Lastly, we went up to our church for "Trunk or Treat". It was busy, but fun. Noah slept well that night!

Saturday, October 18, 2008


Us "gun-totin'" Rednecks support the NRA and any President/VP alike that are willing to protect our right to carry! Here is my political shout out to McCain and Palin!

***DISCLAIMER: This is meant to be light-hearted and funny.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

We Got Pounded!

This last Sunday was Southside Baptist Church's 49th anniversary. For those that don't know yet, that is the new church family Preston is associate pastor of. We had a big potluck lunch afterwards where Pastor Ron had us stand up and receive a "Pounding"...however, not the pounding you may be thinking of. Our loving church family had donated and gathered "pounds" of food to stock our pantry with! We were astonished at the amount of food we were given!! They truly blessed us! It was one of the moments where we didn't even know how to express our gratitude. In today's current economical state, every little bit counts. I have enough sugar to get through the next couple years (depending on how much sweet tea and how many apple pies I make). The picture below only shows most of what we received. Much of the food is stacked and then we had people drop off more throughout the week. Thank you to all of our church family for watching out for us!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Hartsburg Pumpkin Festival

Yesterday my mom and sister decided to come give us a short visit for the weekend. Preston and I were already planning on going to the Hartsburg Pumpkin Festival which only takes place one weekend each October so they went along with us. Hartsburg, MO is where most of Preston's dad's family lived throughout the years and Preston's family even lived there for a while when he was really young. Hartsburg now has a population of less then 200 people (that may even include a few family pets...haha). Despite the fact that it is a small dot on the map the pumpkin festival still draws in literally thousands of people during this one weekend. It was a really neat experience that I'm sure we will do again next year. They have lots of vendors, but of course the Pumpkins are the main event. We loaded up Noah in his little wagon and set off. He had a great time despite having a cold. Due to his cold he didn't smile much in any of the pictures, but he really did enjoy himself! Oh yeah! Great Aunt Sandy and cousin Brittany worked a cotton candy booth and gave him a free bag. Thanks!!

Kissing Cousins

I almost missed posting this one! About a month ago we were back at my parents and Uncle Rodger, Dar, Shannon, and Katie came over and had dinner with us. Its funny watching Noah and Katie "play" together...maybe "around" each other is more appropriate. They are both definitely 1st borns so they always want what the other has. Here are some priceless pictures of Kissing Cousins.

Fall Festival

Our church had a Fall Festival last week so Noah got all dressed up in his Superman costume and cowboy boots. He was fascinated by the firetruck that was there!

Pictures from the Park

Time Outside

Now is a great time of the year to go outside!! We go to a park basically everyday now. William Woods University here in Fulton has a great little pond and they always have ducks and geese there. Noah loves ducks and geese and knows the sound for each. He is also becoming a pro at duck calling!! His favorite "toy" is daddy's duck call. These pictures are from our visit to WWU pond. All he wanted to do is stay and watch the when it was time to leave he put up a fight. Not too many pictures with ducks b/c they wouldn't come anywhere near this little duck hunter in training!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Fall is in the Air

Fall is in the air and we are loving it! Our air condition is off, pumpkins are out, and this is a great time to get outside and enjoy the weather! Noah got to spend a few days with Grandma and "Papa" Kitley.

When he got home he came with a superman outfit. He really liked it, so I guess Superman it is for Halloween! I'll try to get those posted soon!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

First Haircut

Well Noah had his first haircut last night being just a week shy of 18 mos old. The funny thing was that it wasn't planned. We have been getting multiple complaints from family that he looks like he is growing a mullet (however you spell it).
But it was so hard b/c his curls in the back were adorable!! Anyway, last night I was giving Preston a haircut like I always do every couple months outside on our deck while Noah was playing with Jezebel. We both just looked at him and decided we might as well give him a trim.
Well....a trim turned into a haircut. Preston held him on his lap and fed him raisins and cheerios just to get him to sit. He didn't mind getting it cut though. My son is a huge wiggle worm so its definitely not a perfect haircut. Plus it was the first time I'd cut anyone else's hair besides Preston's and I did it with scissors intead of the electric trimmers.
There are a few jagged edges but really it didn't turn out too bad. So I hope you enjoy the pictures!!

Visit with Friends

Over labor day weekend we had Richie, Becky, and their 6 mos old little cutie Maribel come visit us. We had a great time visiting and catching up with them. We were very excited to have friends come visit us in our new home for the very first time! I hope more of you out there don't hesitate to stop by Fulton if you're on your way to St. Louis or something. After all, our house is only about 15 minute south of I-70. Anyway, Here are some of the pictures of Noah and their little brown-eyed beauty Mairbel. She loved having Noah entertain her and Noah loved hugging on her as well. They were too cute together!!