Monday, February 21, 2011

Wow! Its been a while!

I guess I've been a little lazy with my blogging lately. I will attribute that to being busy with the more important things in life, like making sure I'm not ignoring the boys while trying to blog. Yeah, thats my excuse. Also, I've been bad about not getting pictures taken much lately, especially since getting our smartphones back in July. My computer has been getting some much needed rest. Now that I can do most things internet and camera related on my phone, I've been slacking. Sorry to those of you that care (my wonderful sis-in-law, Lauren, who helpfully reminds me from time to time).

In the words of Noah, "Waaellll" (drawn out "well"), not too much exciting has been going on with us lately. Staying very busy though. Our church has been going through many changes lately and many anticipated changes in the future. All of which are primarily positive. Our senior pastor of 32 years retired in December and the 3rd floor of the church has been under renovations for months and is finally finished (minus a few fixtures). These two events combined have left Preston exceptionally busy. The church has just hired a transitional pastor for a 12-18 month period (approx) to aid the church in continued growth as we adjust to having a loved pastor leave and look forward to what is in store for the future of our church.

Preston's "work" life has lessened to a degree in the last week so we took advantage of a much needed "Daddy Day" on Friday and went to a park that had huge tractor tires to climb on. I was able to snap a few shots of my 3 favorite guys!

Noah still likes to take pictures with his mommy. I'll take it as long as it lasts! He also still loves to pose :p

Levi is finally big enough to thoroughly enjoy swinging and exploring on his own at the playground. Noah loves to monkey around, and LOVES to play with his little brother! Hence the reason he is in a baby swing (next to his brother) instead of a regular one.

Levi loves to do what his big brother does. He sees Noah trying to wear Mr. Potato Head glasses, so he wants to do it too. He put these on by himself and did a pretty good job too!

Levi is developing quite the little independent personality, as you might imagine from an almost 17 month old. We get a kick out of his "goofy grin". If we tell him to do his "goofy grin" he scrunches up his little nose and eyes and gives a big toothy smile to be silly. Noah likes to try and imitate it. They crack each other up!

I can hardly believe Noah will be 4 in just a few weeks! Hehas grown up so much in the last 6 months. I keep hearing people (mostly on FB, but others also) ask why the 2's are called terrible when the 3's seem so much worse. Honestly, the 3's have been waaaay better for Noah (overall) than the 2's. Obviously, there are different struggles, difficulties, and it hasn't been a piece of cake, but we definitely have seen so much growth and maturity (to a 3yr old degree) in him. We get the question "Why?" or "Why not?" constantly now along with "Watch this!", "I HAVE to tell you something!", and "MOM/DAD, Levi's doing...". I love hearing my kiddo say my name, but gotta admit there are some days when I could do with half as much "MOM!"

Noah has also been wanting to help out more and do things himself (responsibility in training). This morning I woke up to him already dressed from head to toe, shoes, hat, and all. The only thing I added was a long sleeve undershirt because it cooled way down, he got spoiled by the nice weather this last week. I went downstairs to get Levi out of the crib and to my surprise Noah had already laid out clothes for Levi to wear also. He didn't do too bad matching things up either. The only thing I would've changed was Noah's red hat with the orange shirt, but hey, after all that who wouldn't indulge that one little fashion faux paux? Anyhow, this is how they looked when Noah was done with them both. (Levi was fussing b/c mommy had just walked out to feed the dog and came back in to take this picture, he couldn't calm down quick enough).

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Chocolate Chip Challah Bread

This bread was super easy considering I have never made bread before. It makes ALOT too! My loaf was at least 18in long and about 6-7in wide. It was very yummy! I got this out of my Food Network Magazine.

2 packets active dry yeast (4 1/2 tsp)
1/2 c. sugar, plus a pinch
7 c. flour, plus more for surface
1 Tb. salt
2 eggs
1/2 c. veg. oil
1 c. chocolate chips

1. Mix yeast, pinch of sugar, and 1 cup warm water in small bowl, then set aside while measuring out other dry ingredients.
2. Whisk 3 1/2 cups flour, 1/2 cup sugar, and salt in large bowl. Pour yeast mixture and stir w/ wooden spoon. Add 1 egg, veg. oil, and 1 cup warm water; stir until combined. Stir in remaining 3 1/2 cups flour until dough starts to come together. Mix in choco. chips.
3.Knead dough on floured surface for about 8minutes until smooth. Place in large oiled bowl and cover w/ plastic wrap for 1-1 1/2 hrs until doubled in size (in warm room/place).
4. Divide dough into 3 equal portions, ball up then roll each into long 2in wide strand. LAy side by side on wax paper and pinch 1 end together.
5. Braid 3 strands and pinch together at opposite end.
6. Keep loaf on wax paper and place on top of baking sheet. Mix 1 egg with 1 Tb of water, then brush over entire loaf. Bake in preheated oven at 375 for 30-40 minutes until golden brown.
7. Enjoy!