Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Train Ride and Beyond

Last Thursday we were able to take the train from Jefferson City to Lee's Summit to visit my parents for a couple days. We had been planning to bring my Mustang back to Fulton (finally) and thought this was a great chance to take the train so we didn't have to shuffle vehicles around to and from their house. Noah and Levi had to wear their conductor overalls for the train ride, which Noah thought was great! We had a BLAST!

The wait before the train arrived. Excitement was mounting! His buddy, Easton, and his parents brought us to the station so they had to get a picture together.


We had SOOOOOO much fun on the train ride! Within 15 minutes after we departed Noah became "best friends" with two kids around his age. They played together for at least an hour before they had to get off at their destination. We brought books to read with Noah on the train, thinking he would get bored after about 30 minutes, but he never did and we didn't touch a single book (it was a 2 1/2 hr ride). Noah has been talking about the train ride nonstop since we've been back.

Saturday we went to Cabela's with dad because they were having a big sale on lots of stuff. It was PACKED but both the boys had fun looking at everything there. We got to feed some ducks and geese right outside the building and both the boys tried on coonskin caps. Levi's not much of a hat guy.

Oh yeah, can't forget Levi's first ride in the Mustang! He is inside, I haven't had the chance to get one outside the car yet. He loved it, both boys seem to like the road noise that comes with it. It actually feels like your driving a car and not just riding in a quiet bubble!

2nd Day of Preschool

Well, today was Noah's second day of preschool. He was just as excited today as he was last week. When I went to pick him up I asked his teacher how he did. Her reply, "Oh, he did just fine" (with a suspicious head nod). So I inquired a little more. This time she fessed up that he did get into a bit of trouble (a relief to me she told me, b/c friends from church tend not to tell me, I think since he is the PK). She told me she had to get onto him to "think for himself" and make "his own choices". Apparently, he and his gal pal, Gabby, kept buddying up and he must have gotten in some kind of mischief. I have to say I found it somewhat ammusing, he and I did have to talk about it (luckily it was minor stuff). I had to keep my laughs to myself, but thought it was pretty cute that he had a partner in crime. They are so cute to watch together.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Preshool Orientation

Tonight we got to head out to Kingdom Christian Academy (KCA) for preschool orientation. We were able to get Noah's supplies a few weeks ago (only a fraction of which are in the picture). He has been so excited for months now about going so tonight was very exciting, he starts this Thursday. I can hardly believe it! Myself along with another lady, Kathy, are teaching PE for the rest of KCA's K-8th classes. Kathy has a little girl named Gabby who will be in Noah's preschool class this year. They have had a couple days to play this summer while we worked on the equipment closet and such, and have become very good friends. In fact, their birthdays are only 8 days apart. These two are so funny together, they are two peas in a pod and absolutely adorable to watch. I had to get onto Noah a couple weeks ago when he tried to give her a big smooch. I think I would've laughed if she pulled back and socked him for it! Anyhow, we had a talk later that day about who he was allowed to smooch on.
Thursday this week is going to be an exciting day because not only does he have his first day of preschool but he is also going to go for his first real Amtrak train ride. We get to go from Jeff City to Lee's Summit for a short visit to the grandparent's house. I'll have to make sure I get pictures of that!

Another Zoo Trip

We finally got around to going back to the zoo again, this time with Kristin. Last time we tried and got rained out. The hippos are always pretty entertaining, two of them were putting on quite the show playing and wrestling with each other while the other two were fast asleep snuggling against each other under the water. It was REALLY hot and humid, Kristin was a good sport putting up with us and our hot fun at the zoo. We were both drenched in sweat within 30 minutes of arriving (around 9:30am).