Wednesday, June 24, 2009

A few new pictures

I don't have much news to write about in this one, we've been very busy the last several weeks. We've had my brother's wedding, vacation Bible school, working around the house (got another room painted finally), and a bunch of odds and ends in between. Here are a few picture taken during the last 2 weeks though.
-So first I'll clarify the belly picture. I'm not the type that usually would post my big pregnant belly online unless it was done professionally, but this was kinda funny. Noah wanted to see who had the bigger baby belly (he has a "food" baby). He loves to show it off to be funny. So Preston captured this Kodak moment. Oh yeah, I was also pushing my tummy out farther too so I look a touch bigger than I actually am.

-Then we took the youth group back to St. Louis to go to the zoo and the City Museum. SO Noah tagged along. The City Museum is kinda like a huge tunnel town/obstacle course/jungle gym all built out of industrial materials. They had this ball pit full of huge rubber balls which was Noah's favorite thing besides all the gigantic slides they had.

-Lastly, Noah decided to be Bob the Builder one had and thought it was hilarious when daddy picked him up by the overalls and swung him around. He had a pullup on that provided some padding, otherwise it looked quite uncomfortable.