Wednesday, December 26, 2007

My First Christmas

Noah's first Christmas was so much fun!!! We spent Sunday afternoon at our house exchanging Christmas gifts with Preston's family. We had a great time with them. On Tuesday, Christmas day, Preston, Noah, and I opened up presents with Noah after telling him about the reason for Christmas and why we share gifts on Christmas...because of Jesus. Noah loved pulling off the bows on all of the presents and trying to crawl underneath the tree once all the gifts were gone. After we finished celebrating at our house we walked over to my parents house and spent the rest of Christmas day with them. We played games, opened presents, ate, watched movies, oh...and ate some more. This was truly one of the best Christmas' yet! Noah is just now realizing that he got toys, he was so overwhelmed with the papers, bows, boxes, and bustle that he looked over everything else. He loves all his Tonka trucks, his Little People farm, and the little Learning/Singing chair that Aunt Kristin gave him. He tries to climb the chair (which is just his size) to get up on the couch. Its quite a site. He is becoming more and more mobile everyday!! I pray everyone else had just as blessed of a Christmas as we had!

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Here is Noah during his first visit with Santa Claus! He was very intrigued. Santa said he could have whatever he wanted.

Sunday, December 9, 2007


We finally got our first snow of the year! We've been keeping Noah inside and warm. But here is a picture of him in the snow. and having playtime with mommy.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Christmas Shopping

It is so much fun Christmas shopping for Noah. I know he won't care about his gifts much this year (he will go for the paper and bows instead), but I can't help but get into it! This is going to be such a great Christmas for us since Noah has joined our family. Next year will be even better since he will be big enough to enjoy his gifts. He is such a sweet little ham!

This year I even had a calendar made with Noah as the "main feature" every month. Its amazing what Walmart will let you do (haha)!

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Christmas is coming!!!!

Thanksgiving is over and Christmas is finally on its way!! We had an enjoyable time with Preston's family for Thanksgiving this year! Now comes the really fun part having Noah's 1st Christmas. My mom bought him the cutest little snowman bunting outfit ever. Its definietly one of those outfits that you pass around to other family members having kids to borrow during this time of year when he is through with it. I don't have a picture of him in it just yet, but don't worry, it will come soon! Hope everyone is having a breather between holidays!

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Sleepy Boy

Here is another first for Noah.....He didn't take a nap ALL day!!! Actually, he took one 15-20 minute nap in the car, thats it! I'm not bragging about this, in fact, I'm a little worried about how cranky its going to make him tomorrow. The reason he did not have a nap this morning was because he slept until 9:45 (too late to get a morning nap). Then we had to leave at 12:15 to run 2 errands before going to a wedding at 2:00. Still no nap, not even in the car. Didn't get out of the wedding recpetion til 4:15 and went for a car ride. Still no nap. Went saw a friend, left and headed back to church. Finally fell asleep in the car for 15-20 minutes. Go to church, wakes up. Watched a movie for youth movie night, still refused to go to sleep! Left the church at 8:45. FINALLY fell asleep. Got home and went straight to bed. The amazing thing is that he really wasn't too fussy, at least not more than normal, especially since he is cutting more teeth. Crazy little boy!!

Friday, November 16, 2007

Movin' and Groov'n

This week Noah has shown major movement improvment! He pulled up on the couch all by himself on Tuesday (after a few practice times with help from mommy). Today he finally made his first valiant attempts to an actual "crawl", not just a scoot or lunge forward. He curled his legs underneath and pushed them forward. He still hasn't completely gotten up on his arms though, but that will be just a matter of days I'm sure! When being held up by his arms he will walk around like crazy, but is still very unstable when holding onto furniture. Again, I'm sure that will be just a matter of days. It all seems to be happening all at once, and its very exciting to be home watching him and helping him do all his firsts!! He is turning into quite the little boy!

Tuesday, November 13, 2007


Noah never ceases to amaze me! He practiced pulling up on our couch today and finally he did it all by himself. He is now doing it very consistently when a favorite toy is put in front of him. Also, right before he went to bed I felt a 3rd tooth! He finally cut his upper left tooth. Honestly, can't say that I'm thrilled, but its another milestone for him so that part is exciting!

Monday, November 12, 2007

Bath Time Fun!!

Some of my family from Alabama came into town this week so we have been having TONS of food with our get togethers! Last night Katie (my cousin's 9mos old) came and we had so much fun watching her and Noah trying to play. I was bummed that I didn't have my camera with me for pictures. Katie was giving Noah hugs and Noah was giving Katie kisses. It was the cutest thing! It was also humerous to see them get fussy at each other and compete for attention! Last week Noah had his first bath in the tub all by himself without a bath seat or anything. Tonight we threw in his rubber duckies for him to play with. He had a blast splashing around in the water and reaching for his duckies. He'll be glad we covered him well!

Friday, November 9, 2007

The Holiday Season is Upon Us

I am so excited for the holiday season to be here! Not only is it one of the best times of the year but it is also Noah's FIRST Thanksgiving and Christmas!!! We get to spend Thanksgiving with the Thompson side and Christmas with the Kitley side. Noah already has his Thanksgiving outfit and his Christmas pajamas. He likes to "sing" Christmas songs in the car with me. He started singing at an early age as you can see in this picture which was taken about Julyish.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Here we are!

I finally jumped on the bandwagon and created a blogspot. For those of you that know me well this is a big step for me. This way family and friends can keep up with what we're are doing as our family grows, especially Noah!!
Noah will be 8 months next week and is growing like a weed! He is a rolly polly kind of a thing and loves attention. His favorite pasttime is eating, its amazing he not more of a chunk. Preston and I have so much fun with this bundle of energy and joy. People stop me all the time to tell me how adorable he is and how beautiful is eyes are. Needless to say, we can't argue with that.